Senior lecturer
Long interspersed nuclear elements safeguard neural progenitors from precocious differentiation
Toda, T., Bedrosian, T. A., Schafer, S. T., Cuoco, M. S., Linker, S. B., Ghassemzadeh, S., … & Gage, F. H.
Cell reports. 2024
An in vivo neuroimmune organoid model to study human microglia phenotypes
Schafer ST*, Mansour AA*, Schlachetzki JCM, Pena M, Ghassemzadeh S, Mitchell L, Mar A, Quang D, Stumpf S, Ortiz IS, Lana AJ, Baek C, Zaghal R, Glass CK, Nimmerjahn A, Gage FH.
Cell. 2023 . *Equal contribution & Co-corresponding author
Research Highlight Nature Neurosceince, Cell Stem Cell, ALZFORUM, Haaretz (Hebrew), Globes Newsletter (Hebrew) , Genetic Engineering News (GEN), Technology Networks, The Transmitter.
Wilson MN, Thunemann M, Liu X, Lu Y, Puppo F, Adams JW, Kim JH, Ramezani M, Pizzo DP, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Mansour AA, Gage FH, Muotri AR, Devor A, Kuzum D.
Nat Commun. 2022.
Stern S, Lau S, Manole A, Rosh I, Percia MM, Ben Ezer R, Shokhirev MN, Qiu F, Schafer S, Mansour AA, Mangan KP, Stern T, Ofer P, Stern Y, Diniz Mendes AP, Djamus J, Moore LR, Nayak R, Laufer SH, Aicher A, Rhee A, Wong TL, Nguyen T, Linker SB, Winner B, Freitas BC, Jones E, Sagi I, Bardy C, Brice A, Winkler J, Marchetto MC, Gage FH. NPJ
Parkinsons Dis. 2022.
Cellular complexity in brain organoids: Current progress and unsolved issues
Mansour AA, Schafer ST, Gage FH.
Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2021.
Schafer ST, Paquola ACM, Stern S, Gosselin D, Ku M, Pena M, Kuret TJM, Liyanage M, Mansour AA, Jaeger BN, Marchetto MC, Glass CK, Mertens J, Gage FH.
Nat Neurosci. 2019.
An in vivo model of functional and vascularized human brain organoids.
Mansour AA, Gonçalves JT, Bloyd CW, Li H, Fernandes S, Quang D, Johnston S, Parylak SL, Jin X, Gage FH.
Nat Biotechnol. 2018.
Selected as 2018 Top Discoveries in the Jan/Feb print issue of Discover magazine, News & Views in Nature Biotechnology, Research Highlight in Nature Methods. Covered by: The Scientist, Scientific American, STAT News, ABC news, NPR news, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Newsweek.
Floor plate descendants in the ependyma of the adult mouse Central Nervous System.
Khazanov S, Paz Y, Hefetz A, Gonzales BJ, Netser Y, Mansour AA*, Ben-Arie N*.
Int J Dev Biol. 2017. * Co-corresponding author
Geula S*, Moshitch-Moshkovitz S*, Dominissini D*, Mansour AA*, Kol N, Salmon-Divon M, Hershkovitz V, Peer E, Mor N, Manor YS, Ben-Haim MS, Eyal E, Yunger S, Pinto Y, Jaitin DA, Viukov S, Rais Y, Krupalnik V, Chomsky E, Zerbib M, Maza I, Rechavi Y, Massarwa R, Hanna S, Amit I, Levanon EY, Amariglio N, Stern-Ginossar N, Novershtern N, Rechavi G, Hanna JH.
Science. 2015. *Equal contribution
Mansour AA*, Khazanov-Zisman S*, Netser Y, Klar A, Ben-Arie N.
Development. 2014. *Equal contribution
Derivation of novel human ground state naive pluripotent stem cells.
Gafni O*, Weinberger L*, Mansour AA*, Manor YS, Chomsky E, Ben-Yosef D, Kalma Y, Viukov S, Maza I, Zviran A, Rais Y, Shipony Z, Mukamel Z, Krupalnik V, Zerbib M, Geula S, Caspi I, Schneir D, Shwartz T, Gilad S, Amann-Zalcenstein D, Benjamin S, Amit I, Tanay A, Massarwa R, Novershtern N, Hanna JH.
Nature. 2013. *Equal contribution
Recommended at Faculty of 1000, Research Highlights in Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, Featured by SciBX (Science-Business eXchange), Nanowerk, Weizmann Wonder Wander, and Israel Hayom newsletter}.
The H3K27 demethylase Utx regulates somatic and germ cell epigenetic reprogramming.
Mansour AA*, Gafni O*, Weinberger L*, Zviran A, Ayyash M, Rais Y, Krupalnik V, Zerbib M, Amann-Zalcenstein D, Maza I, Geula S, Viukov S, Holtzman L, Pribluda A, Canaani E, Horn-Saban S, Amit I, Novershtern N*, Hanna JH.
Nature. 2012.
Recommended at Faculty of 1000, Featured by “Weizmann Wonder Wander”
Mansour AA, Nissim-Eliraz E, Zisman S, Golan-Lev T, Schatz O, Klar A, Ben-Arie N.
Mol Cell Neurosci. 2011.
Islam Abu Allan, Visiting Research Fellow
Jonathan Eintracht, Post-doctoral researcher
Sari AbuRaas, PhD student
We are looking for highly motivated postdocs and students to join the lab.
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Abed Mansour is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical Neurobiology, the Faculty of Medicine of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research focuses on developing and harnessing human stem cells-based technologies to study the molecular and cellular basis of neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr. Mansour received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Medical Science and developmental Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His graduate studies focused on studying the transcriptional mechanisms that regulate the development of the central nervous system. Follow his graduation, Dr. Mansour received a Dean of Faculty Fellowship from the Weizmann Institute of Science to pursue postdoctoral training on the biology of Pluripotent Stem Cells and cellular reprogramming. He was then awarded the HFSP Fellowship and the EMBO Long-term fellowship to pursue postdoctoral training in Neuroscience and Stem Cells Biology with Prof. Fred (Rusty) Gage at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in the United States.
He has received many prestigious awards and grants, including the Prusiner-Abramsky Research Award, ERC Starting Grant, Ma’of Outstanding Early-Career Investigator Award, HFSP Long-Term Fellowship, EMBO Long-Term Fellowship, VATAT Postdoctoral Award, The Weizmann Dean of Faculty Postdoctoral Fellowship, and The CNR Young Researcher Fellowship.